David Grizzle
Harlem Vizsla, 2011
Acrylic on Recyled Wood
24 in. x 50 in.
Emai For Price
At some point in your life you find the things that were important to you when you were younger are no longer important and you wonder why you gave so much attention to them at that time in your life. Some people hold onto those things as they grow older and sometimes those things can drag you down.
When I saw this fellow here, I thought he might be a pimp from the south side of Chicago that drove a pink Cadillac. But then it made sense to me. He's more of mature person these days and has gave up that life. He's actually a talented drummer making a good living entertaining. He's grown up. The problem is, his old lady hasn't. She clings to her 20's, living like a child in a 38 year old body. So now it's come to a head and our fellow in the nice suit with the pink caddy is like, " I'm tired of opening that door everyday and finding you burned out, boozed up, and ugly. "